ASULUG is having Fall Linux Install-Fest on Saturday, October 9th at ASU Main campus in Memorial Union. If you would like to help out with installations, please email me off list at This may be a good opportunity if you had an unfinished installation from the PLUG install-fest, or if you have problems with configuration after the installation. /* subliminal message: "you want to help out with installations, you have an unstoppable urge to volunteer, you will feel guilty if you won't help out with intallations....cough, cough" */ Read on for more details: /usr/bin/install_fest -date 10_09_04 -location MU_VentanaBC We are finalizing preparations for the Fall Linux Install-Fest. All we need now are volunteers. We will need volunteers in the following areas: - Installations (Fedora, Madrake, SUSE, Debian, Gentoo, etc.) - Installation CDs with different distributions - Advertisement (mailing lists, word of the mouth) - Network setup before the install-fest (Friday night/ Saturday morning) - Cleanup - Spare hardware (network cards, monitors, keyboards, power strips, etc) - CD burner, external hard drives for "ehm... I forgot to back up my data" cases, etc. We have also reserved a room for playing games. We won't be officially coordinating a game-fest, but we will provide a couple extra projectors, tables and power strips. If you would like to bring games or organize a small LAN party, you are more than welcome to do it. If you would like to help out or have any suggestions, please email me at I will put up the Install-Fest details on the ASULUG website in a couple of days. Mark your calendars - Saturday, October 9th, Memorial Union - Ventana BC (ASU Main Campus) -- Monika --------------------------------------------------- PLUG-discuss mailing list - To subscribe, unsubscribe, or to change you mail settings: