> > > Anyone know of a place that serves lunch and > > unpaid>internet around I-17 and Bell road within a 6 mile
> > > or so radius? I would prefer not bandwidth.
> >
> > They have locations around the Valley. I found one at I-10 and Loop
> > 101 [2]. I called their number and they confirmed they do have free
> > wireless access.
> I am at I-17 and Bell Road. Either spot would be too long a
> drive for lunch. I would be Trumped!
Sorry. I-17 and 101 is correct. The second link I gave takes you
directly to the web page for that location.
Considering Bell Road is about 2 miles from Loop 101, it's well within
your 6 mile radius requirement.
> What search term did you put in Google?
Umm. Well. You're probably going to kick yourself, but it was only the
sixth hit down on a Google search of "wifi" [1]. (I'm not counting the
sponsored hit at the top of the search results.) That sixth hit took
me to the "Wi-Fi-FreeSpot Directory" [2]. Scroll down a bit and
there's a list of states. I clicked Arizona and that took me to a page
listing free hotspots in Arizona [3].
The Arizona listing mentioned "Wildflower Bread Company" with a
location at "SW intersection of Loop 101 and I-17" which is within
your radius requirement. I then did a Google search for "Wildflower
Bread Company Phoenix" (sans quotes) [4] and the rest is history. :-)
Ric Fischer
[3] (Hmm. Wonder why they didn't use 'az'?)
On Wed, 8 Dec 2004 13:56:27 -0700, Bill Wesson wrote:
> Bill,
> A quick Google gave me:
> Wild Flower Bread Company [1]
> They have locations around the Valley. I found one at I-10 and Loop
> 101 [2]. I called their number and they confirmed they do have free
> wireless access.
> Have fun and let us know how the food is. Their menu [3] looks pretty
> decent for breakfast and lunch.
> --
> Ric Fischer
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> On Wed, 8 Dec 2004 13:30:12 -0700, Bill Wesson wrote:
> >
> > Hello people!
> >
> > Anyone know of a place that serves lunch and > unpaid>internet around I-17 and Bell road within a 6 mile
> > or so radius? I would prefer not bandwidth.
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> I-10 and 101 is either in Avondale or Auwatukee.
> On the other hand there is a Wildflower bakery near my house (not near
> work).
> What search term did you put in Google?
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