On Thu, 2005-03-31 at 23:07 -0700, Bryan.ONeal@asu.edu wrote:
> Quoting Craig White <craigwhite@azapple.com>:
> > > BTW Craig, would you be up for presenting Hord to the ASULUG group
> > some time? 
> > > We have a meeting about once a month, and we still need presenters for
> > the Mega
> > > Insatllfest on the 23rd of April.
> > ----
> > probably would - would need a computer with internet access and we can
> > access my setup at my house. Where/When?
> > 
> ASULUG has a meeting every third Tuesday in the Computing Commons Auditorium at
> 4:00pm.  So it is prity much up to you, pick a month :)
> We also have Two Mega Insatllfests a year.  The spring fest is April 23rd from
> 8am - 6pm.  The fall fest is October 22 from 8am-8pm. 
> <Quick Plug> Presentations, Food, Raffles, Games (MAME, Hacked XBox, Hacked PS2,
> Lan-party, etc), and of cource installs are all part of the ASULUG Installfests.
> As for computers, the monthly meetings will have your choices of a PC (with
> windows or live Knoppix) and an OSX Mac will be hooked up to the presentation
> equipment.  At the Installfests it is strictly BYOC :)  Or you can use mine, I'm
> doing a clean install of Ubuntu, so you would have to deal with it :)
Horde project is probably more for workgroup / business environments
with the collaboration features and I'm not certain of the interest
level of students but all I would need is a decent web browser. If
Mozilla > 1.7 or Firefox > .99  - then we would get special 'mozilla
sidebar' which is really cool feature. The sidebar is still there in IE,
Safari and others but it isn't framed in the same manner.


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