There should be a link preprogrammed into the Firefox browser for the "Mepis 
Lovers Forum" where you can browse the FAQs and post questions regarding 
Mepis in particular. I can tell you that Mepis uses "Guard Dog" as a firewall 
which seems to be working fine for me.

On Wednesday 13 April 2005 10:27, Jim wrote:
> Last night I installed Simply Mepis by booting from the CD and clicking
> the Install Me icon.  It seems to work ok except port 143 seems to be
> blocked.  I have an IMAP server running on my linux box which I use to
> access my mail on this machine.  During the install I was asked if I
> wanted a firewall installed.  I chose the no option.  I know nothing's
> wrong with the server because I rebooted this machine into windows and
> have no trouble accessing my mail server.
> Any hints would be appreciated.
> Thanks
> Jim
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