Whereas PLUG is not a formal legal entity, it cannot have a central policy.  
It follows that the idea there exists or can exist an official PLUG Website 
is absurd.

I propose that a PLUG Website Reform Working Group form itself because the 
current PLUG Website at http://plug.phoenix.az.us/ is manifestly broken.

A) It is hosted outside of Maricopa County and even Arizona.  This is minor 
insult to the Greater Phoenix area.  More important, it has become 

B) The current site uses PostNuke, that has manifestly proven itself an 
unsatisfactory content management solution for PLUG's website.

C) A significant number of internet users, specifically those on high speed 
internet cannot access the PLUG site.  This is absolutely INTOLERABLE.  The 
sweeping lack of access is itself entirely sufficient reason to discard the 
current host and if necessary the current domain name.

The Website Working Group (WWG) shall take the following steps to remedy the 
dismal state of PLUG's current website.

1) The WWG will accept Deru's offer to provide colocation hosting free of 

2) The WWG will (if necessary) solicit a server from another party to support 
the web site and other web services that PLUG and PLUG's charitable strategic 
partners may choose to provide.

3) The WWG will move current content off of PostNuke, if possible to another 
FOSS content management solution.

4) The WWG will migrate content to Wiki services when appropriate to do so.

5) The WWG will make a good faith effort to work with the PLUG Steering 
Committee or other actors to migrate the existing PLUG website from its 
current host to the Deru box, ultimately pointing http://plug.phoenix.az.us/ 
to the Deru box's IP address(es).

6) The WWG will open a competing Deru hosted website if agents responsible for 
http://plug.phoenix.az.us/ cannot be persuaded to work toward the migration.

On Monday 2005-05-16 00:12, Joseph Sinclair wrote:
> I would post it to the PLUG site, except I'm one of the people who cannot
> reach the PLUG website, and it won't let me login through a redirect...
> The mailing list won't allow me to attach the file to a message, so if
> someone can agree to post the file on the PLUG site, I'd be happy to send
> it to them...
> ==Joseph++
> Kevin Brown wrote:
> > At the east side meeting someone mentioned they were willing to share a
> > list of regexp for the firefox AdBlock extension.  Would that person be
> > so kind as to send me a copy?
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