> Man I missed it (Dam first week at a new job distracting me from important issues!)
> 1) Who one the computer?

The computer went to Tyler Strickland.

> 2) Can we expect another blender presentation soon?

Yes.  With the new meeting format of shorter presentations, I was 
planning on giving a few blender tips each month until interest goes 
away.  Think of the meetings like a magazine where they break large 
topics up into several parts spread over several months, and Blender is 
a VERY large topic... it probably deserves it's own users group, but 
that will have to come later it there is interest.
This month was a VERY quick intro to the basics of blender, what it does 
and how to move around in it's interface.  I really rushed through 
everything because it has only been a couple of months since I did the 
exact same presentation.  Next month I figure I'll cover something 
else... probably polygon modeling howto or something like that.

Brian Cluff
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