Am 16. May, 2005 schwätzte Alan Dayley so:

> I assure you that the Steering Committtee sincerely states that each of us
> is only one vote in the group.  If the group conscensus is to do what
> you propose here, the Steering Committee has neither the will nor the
> power to "veto" such action.  There is very little desire for power in
> the Steering Committee, only a desire for stability and growth of
> Linux/FS/OSS.  Splitting the group will not be needed.

I would like to reiterate that those of us one the Steering Committee are
still just ordinary members when it comes to deciding what PLUG does or
doesn't do.

We are members who've definitely made a commitment to volunteering time
and effort to making PLUG work, but it is up to all of us as a group to
decide what PLUG does.

Alan did this when he volunteered to take over the devel meetings and when
he decided to start having them every month. He wasn't on the Steering
Committee at the time, so it was just a case of someone seeing something
valuable to add and working on it.

The same can be said of Alexander volunteering to run the InstallFests
every month. He'd met many people wanting help installing GNU/Linux and
volunteered to run monthly InstallFests.

Some of us on the Steering Committee ( /me looks in a mirror ) might also
be loud and vociferous, but that just makes us louder than others, not
more important.

I think the only 'power' we have is that those of us on the Steering
Committee can claim to represent PLUG w/o asking specific permission. We
are still careful about that. In fact, I try remind outsiders that I'm
just an emissary and I don't make decisions for PLUG.


#  To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we
#  are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic
#  and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.
#  -- Theodore Roosevelt, editorian in the Kansas City Star, 07May1918
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