On Friday 17 June 2005 11:52, Derek Neighbors wrote:
> > I'd expect something like that to happen in the next few years as MS is
> > pressured to look more open.
> As they lose more and more business they will be required to change.

Or perhaps Microsoft will play their cards smoothly. Think of this...

Let's say I went to Microsoft as a programmer to their business. They convince 
me they want to be educated regarding Open Source Software. So, I agree. I 
then start programming for MS, creating apps and so on. After awhile, I learn 
a nifty tidbit of code while at MS and unwittingly regenerate that code in 
one of my Open Source programs on my spare time. This OSS makes it to the 
public and MS checks it out. They notice how great my software is and they 
notice "their" code in the source. After the software gets widely 
distributed, Microsoft fires my ass and pulls a SCO. And this time, they 
would legally have grounds for such a case.

So, could MS be gambling on human error? 

And, yes, I did like the movie "Conspiracy Theory." :)Just because I'm 
paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get me.


Jason Spatafore
A+ Certified Service Professional
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