I have installed FC3 on a IBM T42.  Getting the internal wireless
working was pretty simple.  I think I found step by step instructions on
the web somewhere.  It should be equally simple on FC4.

However, I have also installed Ubuntu 5.10 on a Sony with a similar
wireless card (ipw2100, my T42 had the ipw2200) and the wireless worked
on install.  Nothing to do.  It just worked.

I would recommend Ubuntu or second FC4.  Once you have that installed,
have her try Gaim, log in with her existing screen name and try it out.
 She should see her existing contact list.  Actually, it sounds to me
like she is using AOL as her dialup.  There are (were) projects that
allowed you to do this from Linux, but I have never used them so best of
luck to you.

	As far as ssh access, it really depends on how she connects to the
internet.  If she is going to get broadband, I would pick up a hardware
router/wireless AP while she is in town and configure it with her laptop
... reserve IPs for her MAC addresses (wired and wireless), set up port
forwarding to port 22 on the router to those internal IPs (10022 ->
IP1:22, 20022 -> IP2:22).  This way you can just ask her if she is
connected to the wired or wireless and then know which port to connect
to (if you remeber the mapping).  And just make sure that you have the
machine configured to start sshd on startup.  (Ubuntu by default doesn't
install sshd, so "apt-get install openssh-server" package).

Good luck

Carl Parrish wrote:
> Okay my aunt, who is in her 60's, heard about Linux on a PBS program.
> She knew I was involved with it so she asked me to install it for her.
> So far we've purchased a IBM (or really Leveno) Thinkpad for her. I'm
> guessing that's probably the best laptop to start with. (for Linux). I'm
> a little gun shy about laptops because I once tried installing on a
> Gateway and just found that it was impossible. I have successfully
> gotten Fedora on a Toshiba however. Okay basically my concerns are 1)
> getting the wireless networking going. 2) making sure that I can ssh
> into the box. 3) Get AOL working with it. She lives in Michigan so
> everything that has to be done hands on has to be done during the next
> two weeks whiles she's here. She's already used to Thunderbird, firefox,
> and Open Office. But she's currently using AOL (and she's scared there
> is no way to keep up with her contacts if she leaves). Anyone know if
> AOL's client will work with CrossOver? She'll have high speed Internet
> access while she's here and wants to set it up at her house., but still
> will keep AOL. So any resources words of advise or known dangers would
> be good.
> Thanks,
> Carl P.
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