Major.Mikey wrote:

> I tried ifup, and ifconfig but neither of the commands did anything except 
>return a 'error' message. -1-
> Here is another 'problem'. I have an ethernet port and USB prts. Whe the 
>modem is connected to the ethernet port the 'pc' light on the modem flickers;  
>but when it is connected to a USB port it is solid. I (in my INFINATE wisdom) 
>think it should remain solid. On the other hand my infinate wisdom is only 
>the size of an inch worm so I don't really know what I am talking about. 
> As I was googling I heard about the 'pump' command but that doesn't help any 
>unless my use of it was incorrect. (it seems this is a redhat program) 
>After further googling it seems as if 'dhcp3-client' may help. (apt-get is my 
>friend) -2-
>Am I just wasting my time with this present venture?

First off, I've only half followed your progress, so you may have tried 
everything below already...

Try "ifdown eth0" before "ifup eth0" and see if ifup works then. If it 
still gives errors then it sounds like somethings wrong there. I don't 
know Mepis, btw.

If that stuff doesn't work, you should still be able to do "ifconfig 
eth0 up" and get somewhere.

After eth0 is up, then you *should* be able to do "dhclient eth0" to get 
an IP address for that interface through dhcp. ASSUMING that all your 
network setup is correct then ifup will do this for you, but I think 
that's NOT the case here.

When you try "dhclient eth0" it should print some progress messages, or 

Darrin Chandler            |  Phoenix BSD Users Group   |  |

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