Never mind. I found a .rpm file which Xandros turned into a .deb file 
and installed automagically. Xine now works perfectly.

Thanks to all who replied for the help.

Bob Eaton

Robert N. Eaton wrote:

> I have a copy of libdvdcss-1.2.8, but I can't get it to 
> compile,install, make, make-install. etc. My system complains about 
> not being able to find gcc. But it's right there in /usr/bin where one 
> would expect.
> What am I not doing right?
> Bob Eaton
> Technomage wrote:
>> you need lindvdcss (available from verious places).
>> I use that here and can play all dvd's without fail. :)
>> On Thursday 09 February 2006 14:36, Robert N. Eaton wrote:
>>> Hi, all,
>>> Is anyone familiar with xine. Nearly all of my DVD's give me the 
>>> message
>>> "Your DVD seems to be encrypted....", and they don't play.  I've tried
>>> Shrek, LOTR, Casablanca, and no luck. Dark Journey, a little known 
>>> flick
>>> starring Vivien Leigh (two years before she made GWTW) does play.
>>> Is there any plugin that I can download, or any tweak that I can apply
>>> myself that will help?
>>> Bob Eaton
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