So, it seems that the place where I recently got hired is looking for
more system administrators.

It's a web hosting / colo company.  You'd need to know Linux-y and
Unix-y stuff, as well as be familiar with Apache, obviously.  PHP and
MySQL are used heavily, of course, but you don't have to be a
development guru or anything, just know some admin/installation/etc.  A
little NFS knowledge is also helpful, as is some networking know-how.
There are also a few IIS boxes here, but they're in the extreme
minority.  (If you know a lot about IIS/Windows and less about Unix,
though, the manager said today that he was thinking about hiring
somebody like that.)

It's a 24x7 workplace with two datacenters in downtown Phoenix.  They've
been pretty flexible with me with the scheduling.  I'm hoping that
somebody would be interested in second shift so I can get back to 1st
and see my wife again, which is a big motivation for sending this email,
actually.  ;-)

Also, they recently hired a couple of people as "junior admins" and
would like to hire more.  You wouldn't need to know as much, but you do
more of the grunt work.  However, you'd be learning a lot, too.

Mail me privately if you have questions, and if you're interested, I can
get you in touch with somebody.

Bill Jonas    *    *
"It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your front door.  You step
into the Road,  and if you don't keep your feet,  there  is  no knowing
where you might be swept off to."  --  Bilbo Baggins
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