I don't think you will find this to be as useful as you hope.
Shotgun-PPP was created specifically for this task- I don't think
there's an equivalent in ethernet land, especially when the remote IPs
aren't guaranteed to be together. You could try making two routes to the
internet (route add eth0; route add
eth1; ) and get some very crude round robin routing stuff going on, but
I don't think it will work properly. You may be SOL, but I would do some
heavy googling and wait for more replies here.


Nathan England wrote:
> I have 2 cable modems running on seperate connections. It's a shame really 
> that both of these are running and I only have 1 pc. It's really a shame that 
> said pc has 2 network cards...
> What's the easiest way to take advantage of this situation? I used to call 
> this shotgunning, but I guess that term hasn't been used in a while.. Windows 
> calls it bridging? is that right?

"Confession only helps if you actually feel bad for your actions.
For you, it would just be a really long boast."
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