I was contacted today about this job, and I said I would pass it along
to anyone who might be interested  -- Jerry

Ashley Burns
The Experts, Inc.
P: 954.493.8040, Ext. 101
T: 800.336.8359, Ext. 101
F: 954.493.8844
E:  <mailto:aburns@ExpertsIT.com> aburns@ExpertsIT.com
W:  <http://www.expertsit.com/> www.ExpertsIT.com 


Job description for Build Engineer:

Working in a build environment which entails the configuration
management of the CMVC and CVS developers, release management of the
CMVC releases, query SQL reports for management, systems integration,
system administration of CMVC and CVS, development of build
applications using CMVC, C/C++,  VA JAVA, JAVA JDK, Korn/Bash-shell
scripts, Perl, Motif, X-windows, Awk, Sed, and makefiles, for the IBM
Unix AIX 421/433 and SunOS Release 5.8 and Linux to build all the
ExpressNet applications which are written in C and C++ with XCOM,
XShell, CICS, X11, HCON, Curses, RogueWave SDK, Sybase, SOM, and MQ as
well as written in Java with Websphere, LDAP, MQ, RPBEAN, ASN, XML
Parser, SNA, Acme, Cryptix encryption, Jconnect, EAC-Client, CE-client,
JUnit, Sybase, and internally developed framework components:
commandservice, frontservlet, and jlog.


Duties include the following:

*	Handling version control management of multiple releases and
release levels.
*	Manage source/version control tools CMVC and CVS.
*	Provides build support for multiple development teams across
multiple environments.
*	Provides build and development support for C, C++ and VAJ
2.0.3, VAJ 3.5, WSAD 4.0. WASD 5.0
*	Interpret C, C++ compiler and linker errors
*	Work with C, C++ compiler flags and optimization and debugging
*	Linking in and building with third party production like
RogueWave, DCE, etc.
*	Manages extensive use of makefiles and Ant make tool
*	Supports all common UNIX utilities (makefiles, ftp, tar, ksh
features, which)
*	Experience writing ksh scripts, C, Perl and knowledge of
differences in AIX and Sun Solaris for porting them
*	Handles a multitude of new developer questions, writes scripts
and builds multiple code levels simultaneously.
*	Supports all the levels and configurations of AIX, XCOM and
SNA. *	Supports a build group intranet website using DreamWeaver.
*	Works 7x24 support schedule
*	Support system administration monitoring and troubleshooting.
*	Provide Scheduling and Release Management of products.



Must Have (*skills that are absolutely necessary before applying for
this position):

Ability to interpret C,C++, Java compiler and linker errors

*Ability to support common UNIX utils (esp. Makefiles)

Knowledge of static, shared libraries

Knowledge of executable, images

*UNIX including both development and basic system administration

Some source/version control experience

Flexible schedule (night and weekend work)

*Ability to write shell scripts and Java application programs

*Must know sed and awk

Ability to support Ant make tool for Java build environment

J2EE packaging and release experience



Nice to Have:

AIX, Solaris, & Linux experience

IBM CMVC experience

CVS experience

Build support experience

DB2 experience

IBM VA JAVA & WSAD experience

SUN/IBM JDK experience

IBM C/C++ compiler experience

GNU C/C++ compiler experience

MySQL experience

Apache Server experience

Ability to support a web site knowing DreamWeaver

Rational Clear Case / Clear Quest experience

Microsoft Word, Excel and Visio

EPIC (financial tracking system used by AMEX)

Infoman (problem tracking and change record management system)

Hobbit Name: Pimpernel Loamsdown
Registered Linux User: 275424
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