That's about the longest laundry list so far. It must be a data entry
job but they would like to find somebody that can read, this time.

Wagner, Steven G wrote:
> WOW! Good luck! That's a long list of qualifications...PLUS nights and
> weekends! Sure hope the pay is commensurate.
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Jerry
> Davis
> Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2006 7:08 PM
> To:
> Subject: [OT] Job opportunity
> I was contacted today about this job, and I said I would pass it along
> to anyone who might be interested  -- Jerry
> Ashley Burns
> The Experts, Inc.
> P: 954.493.8040, Ext. 101
> T: 800.336.8359, Ext. 101
> F: 954.493.8844
> E:  <>
> W:  <>
> ------------------------
> Job description for Build Engineer:
> Working in a build environment which entails the configuration
> management of the CMVC and CVS developers, release management of the
> CMVC releases, query SQL reports for management, systems integration,
> system administration of CMVC and CVS, development of build
> applications using CMVC, C/C++,  VA JAVA, JAVA JDK, Korn/Bash-shell
> scripts, Perl, Motif, X-windows, Awk, Sed, and makefiles, for the IBM
> Unix AIX 421/433 and SunOS Release 5.8 and Linux to build all the
> ExpressNet applications which are written in C and C++ with XCOM,
> XShell, CICS, X11, HCON, Curses, RogueWave SDK, Sybase, SOM, and MQ as
> well as written in Java with Websphere, LDAP, MQ, RPBEAN, ASN, XML
> Parser, SNA, Acme, Cryptix encryption, Jconnect, EAC-Client, CE-client,
> JUnit, Sybase, and internally developed framework components:
> commandservice, frontservlet, and jlog.
> Duties include the following:
> *	Handling version control management of multiple releases and
> release levels.
> *	Manage source/version control tools CMVC and CVS.
> *	Provides build support for multiple development teams across
> multiple environments.
> *	Provides build and development support for C, C++ and VAJ
> 2.0.3, VAJ 3.5, WSAD 4.0. WASD 5.0
> *	Interpret C, C++ compiler and linker errors
> *	Work with C, C++ compiler flags and optimization and debugging
> capabilities
> *	Linking in and building with third party production like
> RogueWave, DCE, etc.
> *	Manages extensive use of makefiles and Ant make tool
> *	Supports all common UNIX utilities (makefiles, ftp, tar, ksh
> features, which)
> *	Experience writing ksh scripts, C, Perl and knowledge of
> differences in AIX and Sun Solaris for porting them
> *	Handles a multitude of new developer questions, writes scripts
> and builds multiple code levels simultaneously.
> *	Supports all the levels and configurations of AIX, XCOM and
> SNA. *	Supports a build group intranet website using DreamWeaver.
> *	Works 7x24 support schedule
> *	Support system administration monitoring and troubleshooting.
> *	Provide Scheduling and Release Management of products.
> Must Have (*skills that are absolutely necessary before applying for
> this position):
> Ability to interpret C,C++, Java compiler and linker errors
> *Ability to support common UNIX utils (esp. Makefiles)
> Knowledge of static, shared libraries
> Knowledge of executable, images
> *UNIX including both development and basic system administration
> Some source/version control experience
> Flexible schedule (night and weekend work)
> *Ability to write shell scripts and Java application programs
> *Must know sed and awk
> Ability to support Ant make tool for Java build environment
> J2EE packaging and release experience
> Nice to Have:
> AIX, Solaris, & Linux experience
> IBM CMVC experience
> CVS experience
> Build support experience
> DB2 experience
> IBM VA JAVA & WSAD experience
> SUN/IBM JDK experience
> IBM C/C++ compiler experience
> GNU C/C++ compiler experience
> MySQL experience
> Apache Server experience
> Ability to support a web site knowing DreamWeaver
> Rational Clear Case / Clear Quest experience
> Microsoft Word, Excel and Visio
> EPIC (financial tracking system used by AMEX)
> Infoman (problem tracking and change record management system)
> --
> Hobbit Name: Pimpernel Loamsdown
> Registered Linux User: 275424
> This email's random fortune: O.K., fine.
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