On Jun 7, 2006, at 10:33 AM, FoulDragon@aol.com wrote:

> In a message dated 6/7/2006 6:09:18 AM US Mountain Standard Time,
> alex@crackpot.org writes:
>> Judging someone by their accent is lame.  I'm a native of Kentucky,
>> and while I don't have an accent, I find it aggravating that others
>> who do are often assumed to be stupid because of it.
> I was going for more the "incomprehensibility" thing.  I'm sure I'm  
> not the
> only one who has a hard time understanding people on the phone in  
> the best
> cases, so if you combined two accents which tend to throw people  
> off, the results
> would be tragic.

Fair enough.  If I get Krishna from Louisville on the phone someday,  
I'll give him your number. ;)

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