I agree, I've seen this kind of can't-find-master disk issue with Cable Select on one drive but master (or slave) on the other a fair bit.  Make sure both drives are set in their jumpers to specifically select master and slave (Linux --> master, Win98 --> slave).
If it still acts weird, try reversing (Win98 --> master, Linux --> slave), remember this will rename the drives in Linux as well (they'll swap names, hda will always point to whichever is master ATM).
If it STILL won't work, try making the Linux disk the master on the primary controller, then switching the Win98 disk to the secondary controller (swap around any optical drives if need be), and make it the master there.

Alan Dayley wrote:
> Eric "Shubes" wrote:
>>> I stopped by Joe's this afternoon. The good new is we got his DSL modem
>>> working.
> Very nice of you to do.
> --[clip]--
>>> Any ideas are appreciated. We're stumped at this point.
> Are both the hard drives on the same IDE bus?  ie. on the same cable?
> Are they correctly jumper configured as master and slave?
> I have seen cases where drives "go away" or other weirdness when the
> drives were jumper configured incorrectly or when using cable select.
> Some drives just don't do well with master/slave/cable select issues.  A
> quick way to test is to disconnect hdb completely and see what the BIOS
> thinks of that.
> Granted, in this case it seems to have developed a sensitivity all of a
> sudden, but it is something to check.
> Alan

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