A few days ago I again plugged in my SD card reader with a card from my camera. KDE, as always, popped up the box asking what to do with it. I chose to open it with digiKam, as usual. But this time I clicked the "Always do this..." option. I thought that would be great. It's not. Now every USB storage device, drive or music player I plug in brings up digiKam. I'm running Kubuntu with KDE 3.5. I have opened System Settings --> General tab --> Notifications --> Storage Media Notifications --> Notifications tab --> Medium types list I have found the following media types and toggled the Auto Action on digiKam to off, clicking Apply after each setting change: Unmounted Removable Medium Unmounted Camera Mounted Camera Camera Then I close the System Settings application. Then I plug in my USB stick and digiKam starts up again. And I go back in the System Settings --> blah, blah, blah and the Auto Action is all SET on digiKam again. So, the GUI doesn't work. Any thoughts on where to go find the rouge setting and remove it? Alan --------------------------------------------------- PLUG-discuss mailing list - PLUG-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us To subscribe, unsubscribe, or to change your mail settings: http://lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us/mailman/listinfo/plug-discuss