Samba is getting the better of me. No, it's wipping me. I have a Samba 3.2 server sharing a directory tree. Let's call this share Master. Here is what I need: - All Linux users in group "mastershare" need MSWindows "full control" on all files in the tree via MSWindows clients. -- This means read, write, create, delete, etc. -- Most important they must be able to set the MSWindows file attributes: read-only, system, hidden - All Linux users in the group "mastershareread" need read-only access via MSWindows clients. - All other Linux users have no access via MSWindows clients. The attributes part is killing me. I cannot get the combination of file-system permissions and all the Samba settings involved such that I can allow the "mastershare" group control of the attributes! Samba settings involved are: map hidden map system map archive map readonly store dos attributes create mask directory mask force user force group (Others?) This is all interacts with the linux file system permissions bits, user, group, etc. It's driving me crazy. Anyone want to help? What more information do I need to provide? Alan --------------------------------------------------- PLUG-discuss mailing list - To subscribe, unsubscribe, or to change your mail settings: