This data is not stored localy it is part of your google profile. Log out of google and you will see unadulterated search results (save for the regional profile you inherit with your ip and any data it gets from cookies) As far as clearing it from your google profile... I am not sure you can. I would have to hunt around. On 10/28/11, <> wrote: > > Is there some way to clear google's record of one's own searches? > What records does google keep of such data? > > I've noticed that when I start to type a keyword or phrase into the google > search field, google drops down a list of what seems to be my own as well > as other searches. Is there some way to clear all that history away? > > I have tried clearing my own computer cache, but google seems to have its > own record keeping on my searches. > > > > > > --------------------------------------------------- > PLUG-discuss mailing list - > To subscribe, unsubscribe, or to change your mail settings: > > -- Sent from my mobile device --------------------------------------------------- PLUG-discuss mailing list - To subscribe, unsubscribe, or to change your mail settings: