Am 21. Feb, 2006 schwätzte Terence Chang so:

> Hi There:

Griaßle :)

> I have been on this group for a while, but I have never really dig into the linux/bsd.
> I am developing web application with PHP/MySQL and MSSQL.
> I would like to know the best way to setup a new workstation with linux/bsd as my second desktop other than Windows XP. I want to be able to focus on the development without spending too much time on worry about administration.

Show up to the InstallFest with the workstation this Saturday :).

> What is my option? Any issues with PHP on linux to communite with MSSQL with ADODB?

Should work fine. While I normally recommend Ubuntu PHP is likely more
current in Fedora.

5.0.5 and 4.4.0 in Ubuntu.

libphp-adodb is for php5.


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