Am 28. Jul, 2006 schwätzte Alan Dayley so:

>> Am 28. Jul, 2006 schwätzte Carl Parrish so:
>>> I've been playing with my WRT54GL and I have to say I've been amazed at
>>> what this thing can do for the price. I'm thinking of getting two more
>>> as soon as I can justify it. (maybe for hotspots) Also as soon as I
>>> understand asterisk better than I currently do I'm going to try playing
>>> with it on a WRT54GL. That said I've been looking for an excuse to get a
>> Asterix running on the WRT54GL?
> Asterix and lots of other stuff in the OpenWRT package feed:

Lots of other stuff I knew. Just amazed that asterisk runs on it.


OK, guess it's time to convert one of my WRT54Gs to run a community
developed setup.

Maybe at the InstallFest tomorrow if I finally make it again.


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