Am 06. Sep, 2006 schwätzte Craig White so:

> I think the focus wasn't clear and the objectives muddy.

Well, we only get rain twice a year, how much mud can we have?  :)

> Most activity tends to occur at the project level whereas PLUG is a
> regional and not project centric. So it seems that much of the content
> isn't gonna reach the wider audience. I think it needs to focus on
> things like...
> - regional events
> - regional news
> - regional blogs / and perhaps blogs is the one area where there could
> be a lot of interest/activity

I agree that the PLUG site should mostly be regional content. Doesn't mean
we couldn't become *the* site for $foo information, but that isn't a
primary goal.

Who wants to make sure meeting announcements get up on the site?

We could have lots of regional news. Many companies in the Valley are
using Free Software. Several government agencies and schools as well. I'd
love to have a section covering Free Software in use here in town.

Hmm, good idea. We should do more with RSS feeds from blogs. For example,
Josh's blog on bluga is a good regional source we should point out.

> As for the dog and pony shows known as East Side / West Side
> meetings...that's been done for so many years that it's a somewhat tired
> format that isn't going to draw a lot of people to them.

Well, then we need to fix them. The dog and pony shows in silicon valley
have been going for longer than PLUG, but they still draw lots of people.

Also, I think it would be awesome if we were drawing people who "just want
to use the computer" and don't want to be computer gurus.

We have awesome software to demo for just that audience: Firefox,, Inkscape, Blender, the GIMP, GAIM, PDF Creator, ...

> I hate to come off as negative because I don't want to discourage anyone
> nor diminish their efforts.

Pointing out deficiencies is fine. I hope, of course, that you and others
will help us overcome them and build a more active and wider reaching PLUG
community :).


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