Am 04. Sep, 2006 schwätzte Josef Lowder so:

> .
> Which mp3 player is best to use?
> On my system, I see all these: KsCD, Amarok, Aumix, Grip, KAudioCreator, KMix,
> RoseGarden, and Sound Recorder ... but no xmms.
> None of those listed seem to be mp3 players.

Most of the software audio players available at this point will play ogg,
flac, wav, mp3, AAC, whathaveyou.

off and flac usually works out of the package because they're open
standards without patent encumbrances. wav seems to usually also work out
of the package. mp3, AAC and other proprietary, patent encumbered formats
usually can be played as well, but the default package doesn't include
support due to the patent encumbrances.

Best option is to use an open format standard such as ogg or flac. See for more info on them and on audio and video formats in

If you have to have mp3 support you can usually add that via packages
available outside the normal package channels.

I generally use amarok or rhythmbox at this point.

I like the idea behind gnomoradio, but development seems to have stopped
soon after it was announced.

  Gnomoradio is a free software peer to peer music distribution
  application for free music. It is able to read
  and interpret Creative Commons licenses (
  and download and play music that is freely licensed.

I think being able to search for content by license is a great idea. We
need plugins for other media players :).


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