Am 21. Apr, 2007 schwätzte Josef Lowder so: moin moin Josef, > . > Thanks Jeremy. Your suggestions work perfectly! > > Now, I'm in the process of figuring out how to batch resize, > batch rename, batch create thumbnails, and semi-automatically > (I hope) create a "clean" efficient online presentation of all > of our travel photos with a narrative with integrated thumbnails > to click on to see larger images of each photo. > > So far, I've figured out the batch resize, batch rename, and > (thanks to you) batch upload of photos; and I've found some > 'convert' code for making batch thumbnails. convert is from the ImageMagick package and has an excellent reputation. I'm going to skip the rest of the details and describe what I've started doing. Brian introduced me to kphotoalbum ( was kimdaba at the time ). kphotoalbum allows you to annotate and manipulate images via a local GUI interface. I'm very much liking kphotoshop ( except it's file/db format is not backwards compatable ). kphotoshop can use KDE graphics plugins. One of the KDE plugins exports to gallery2, a nice web gallery program. I now use kphotoshop to organize my pictures and then export to a gallery2 web site. gallery2 gets the descriptions I've added in kphotoshop. Much easier to do the photo manipulations and annotations via a GUI, especially since the GUI allows me to annotate and categorize multiple images at one time. Unfortunately I've only gotten work images organized thus far, so I can't point you at a sample of what I've done. You could still use convert for image manipulations, but I don't know of a way to make sure kphotoshop knows those new images are versions of old images. Maybe just shoving them in a thumbnails directory would work. gallery2 will also allow you to limit image size avaialable for people viewing the pictures. There are modules to integrate gallery2 with drupal. I'm not sure about other CMS engines, but a google search for gallery's website makes me think there are Joomla! and Wordpress modules as well. ciao, der.hans -- # # "Dinosaurs return. Want their oil back." -- David Brin