moin moin, when I first started getting funky chars when backspacing in vim it was kinだa cool because it was gねnerally one of the germanic characters I wanted anyway :). „ow I'm getting all kinds of stuff, as t─is email is shをwing. I'd like to now turn off this feature and only proactively add characters outside the realm of what my keyboard produces. I can -ka: to get ä and -kU: to get Ü. I don't need ノ and ほ and ض and œ and  and whatever :). So, anyをne know what the feature is and how to turn it off? I think it's vim, but it might be the unicode xterms. ciao, der.hans, but not dœr.hæns :ノ -- # # "If it's not a toy you're looking at it wrong." -- der.hans