Am 29. Aug, 2007 schwätzte David Munson so: > It's at the Arizona State Fairgrounds at 19th Ave and W McDowell. > Bothered me for the longest time that they never give cross streets. Sssssh! We hide it from out-of-staters! They're supposed to think it's a pringles factory. :) > According to the parking maps on the ASU website, most parking spaces > are some distance from the MU (Memorial Union) where the ASULUG is to > be held. I will inquire with ASULUG as to how best to get a computer > into the building, if it happens to be a desktop (awkward to carry all > that distance). There is a parking structure just south of the MU. It should still be no charge for parking on weekends, but make sure motorcycles are in motorcycle spots, which are elsewhere. ASULUG usually has a few carts available for transporting computers in and out, so go in and ask before lugging stuff in :). Alexander usually has a cart or two available at PLUG InstallFests as well. ciao, der.hans -- # Roses are #FF0000, Violets are #0000FF, All my base, Are belong to you.