Am 05. Jun, 2009 schwätzte Vaughn Treude so: moin moin, we let this drop, but need to have a decision by the end of Monday. > They don't have a back room, but the Wildflower Bakery near I-17 and the > 101 (in the Deer Valley Center SW of the intersection) has been very > accommodating to my SF writers' group. (I know Wildflower's a chain; > whether it's local or not I don't know.) Here are the proposed locations: . . Arrowhead Towne Center food court . Uncle Sam's - 83rd and Union Hills . Next coffee co - 59th and utopia, has free wifi . . Applebees next to the school . Bertos near the school We also got a suggestion for the Glendale public library. I've found that libraries tend not to work out. Partially because we tend to make noise :). There was also a suggestion for meeting at someone's house for a pot luck. We could do that and watch some Free Software or Penguin related movie. Are there any Gnu movies out there? OK, here's what I see as desired features for the location ( in no particular order ): . near I-17 or the east/west portion of the 101 in the north valley . accessible WiFi . room for us to do presentations from 19:00 to 21:00 . one of the two following .. food and beverage and open until at least midnight for those who want to talk after the mtg .. nearby food and beverage place open until at least midnight OK, we need a decision by the end of Monday. If I don't see a consensus tomorrow night I'll choose something. I might choose an underpass or an Irish pub :). ciao, der.hans -- # # "You go to Afghanistan and you swallow enough dust that you'll pass an # adobe brick." -- Robin Williams, 03Aug2006