Am 09. Jul, 2010 schwätzte so: moin moin Joe, > Now, if only we could get a little of this common sense in Washington D.C. We have a little. We need lots :). Obama's White House team has been using Free Software. More importantly, it's been releasing Free Software. I believe the Dean Machine ran almost completely on Free Software as well. I believe it also provided a lot of code and paid for even more development. While he was campaigning, Obama released position papers with slightly pro Free Software stances. Off the top of my head, I don't know of other national politicians and agencies with pro Free Software actions. There is a group supposedly having success getting the gov't to adopt Free Software. There was a presentation on it at OSCON this week. Search for !OSCON or @bkuhn. ciao, der.hans -- # # Director of Engineering, FonWallet Transaction Solutions, Inc. # "The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education." # -- Albert Einstein