Am 28. Jun, 2011 schwätzte Eric Cope so: > There was a book published with the last few years talking about adolescent decision making. Adolescents have different value systems making their decisions look poor from adults point of view, but actually quite rational. It's was titled "the case against adolescence". Kids certainly understand consequences, even long before being teenagers. It doesn't mean they give as much weight to the consequences as those who are older might assign. It also doesn't mean that lack of patience, lack of experience, hormones, raw impulse and many other factors don't cause consequences to be totally ignored or highly devalued. There's also no guarantee that those who are older and have more experience will make good or rational decisions :). And, as pointed out, poor decisions ( from one perspective ) might be quite rational ( from another perspectie ). This phenomenom often exhibits itself in individuals when alcohol is involved :). ciao, der.hans -- # # I only eat free-range vegetables that were hunted down and slain by # a member of my immediate family. -- der.hans