Am 22. Oct, 2013 schwätzte Brian Cluff so: moin moin, > According to this website using their single, yet crowed sourced, benchmark, > the Intel chip is a decent amount faster. > > > > Cool, never noticed that site before. Danke. 20+% higher benchmark looks good. But 30+% value the other way. In this particular case, the intel comes at a much higher price due to price difference in the base system, so the AMD with more RAM is looking like a good option. Need to ask them about a couple more options that might rule one or the other out anyway, but I wanted to see if anyone had an opinion first. Hmm, I could get another 20% performance over the i7 with a 12 core i7 for only another $900 :). BTW, both of the CPUs essentially double what I currently have according to the benchmark and that will move on to replace something old enough to no longer be on the list. My xterms are gonna move so fast they'll wobble without compositing :). ciao, der.hans -- # # "... the social skills of a cow on acid." - der.hans