I'm setting up a system to dual boot WinXP and Linux. Linux is installed on the secondary hard drive, which is a removable drive(problem). I can't get either the WinXp boot loader to work, or grub.
Using grub, it works fine as long as the removable drive is installed. But, if I remove the drive with Linux, Grub locks up on boot, and won't do anything, won't boot windows either. Grub is installed on the master boot record, primary drive. I want to be able to run WinXP with a 3rd drive in the removable slot. How can I configure Grub so that it will boot WinXp when the second drive(Linux) is not present.
So I tried to do things with WinXP's bootloader. It doesn't care if that second drive is in or not, it can still boot WinXP. For this I installed Grub on the boot partition of the linux drive. The Linux drive is partitioned: hdb1 swap 200MB, hdb2 / 4gigs. When installing Suse linux, it gave me two options for where to place Grub, master boot record or hdb2. So I choose option hdb2. I setup WinXP boot config to either boot WinXP, or boot from the second partition of the secondary harddrive, should be hdb2. But, when I select linux, it just stops.
So, how can I get this to work, either using Grub or WinXp bootloader is fine.
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