And, this is just your FIRST?... You must have the patience of a Saint! ;-)

On Wednesday 11 January 2006 23:53, Josh Coffman wrote:
> I had one of those days at work yesterday. In fact,
> it's been about a week of those kind of days with an
> approaching launch date for my current project.
> Something happened to the integration server, so the
> web-app was not working. After staying late the last
> few days, I still hadn't resolved everything yesterday
> evening when, a windows message popped up telling me
> my system had been updated and needed to restart.
> WTF!!!! I never told it run windows update! I was able
> to press a button telling it to restart later. I had
> to wait. I was in the middle of a bunch of stuff and
> couldn't break right then. Well a few minutes later it
> came back. then again....... so you get the picture.
> F'N Microshaft forced an update on my machine and now
> I had to reboot!
> I was so ready to go home to my Fedora box. With a
> couple free minutes I had, I thought I get the
> external monitor (its a laptop) setup. But I messed
> something up and rebooted into windows to google my
> problem. As I was reading, what do you think popped
> up? "Your system has been updated...." GRRRR!
> So fine, I rebooted to CLI. cleaned up some space and
> started kde just fine. thank you very much.
> Shin zen ni rei
> -j
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