Hey everyone, kinda new to the plug and been using Linux off and on for a
little while now.

Was just wondering if anyone has had any experience or heard any reviews
about O'reilly's Learning lab for Linux/Unix Sysadmin online courses?  You
can see the site at http://oreilly.useractive.com/courses/sysadmin.php3 ,
the prices are reasonable, and having University of Illinois backing it up
isn't too shabby either.  But I've never taken an online course before and
just wanted to hear what people would think of going down this road.  This
would ideally be for becoming more proficient with Linux on my own, and
possibly a resume spot down the road.  Currently I can get Fedora Core up
and running as a dual boot, and after using gnome for a couple of months I
feel pretty comfortable using Linux.  I just don't feel proficient; I still
man, info, and google to get things working they way I would like.

Thanks ~