Hey all,

I'm currently looking for a replacement PHP web developer / system  
administrator who is proficient in the following:

	- PHP 4 and 5 (Object-Oriented programming techniques a big plus in  
both versions)
	- MySQL
	- PostgreSQL
	- Cross-browser JavaScript and familiarity of the DOM level 1 standard
	- CSS 1.x and 2.x

	- Apache + Apache-SSL maintenance and configuration
	- Linux Virtual Server administration using ipvsadm and related  
	- Passing knowledge of Fedora Core system administration
	- Highly intimate knowledge of Debian system administration
	- Strong knowledge of the ISC Bind daemon and related DNS theory
	- Strong knowledge of the mod_rewrite Apache module

I know it's a tall list, and many people will be hard pressed to  
match some of these skills together, as some seem mutually exclusive  
(PostgreSQL and MySQL come to mind). The biggest of the skills that  
are needed are listed in the first section -- we are most of all  
looking for a developer in PHP technologies first, and a sysadmin  

If you're interested in working in a very dynamic environment that  
challenges you to stretch your skills to the limit, send an email to  
me off-list and I'll give you the contact details. Feel free to  
forward this to anyone you know who might be interested. Thanks guys!

June Tate