On 5/15/06, Alan Dayley <alandd@consultpros.com> wrote:
> Jason Spatafore said:
> > FYI: A good spot for the "west side" meeting would probably be Deer
> Valley
> > Community Center. It is located around 19th Ave. and Union Hills, which
> is
> > 1/4 mile from the loop 101. Another option is to try something at
> Paradise
> > Valley Community College. My only reason for this recommendation is the
> > freeway access. PVCC is 1 mile from the 101 and 1/4 mile from the 51.
> This
> > places it in a more convenient location. I never attended the west side
> > meeting @ GCC because GCC is a real pain to get to...there are no
> freeways
> > which are located within a mile or two of the college. It was a stop-go
> > hassle which added 15 minutes of travel no matter which direction > you
> came from.
> >
> > I am probably speaking of more of a North Side meeting. After all, the
> > locations I speak of are in the northern Phoenix area moreso than > the
> west.
> >
> > Which also makes me question that we should have 4 meeting areas. East
> > side in the Tempe/Mesa locale. West Side can probably stay at GCC. North
> > Side at PVCC and maybe even a South Side located somewhere else. (I
> would
> > have no idea since I'm in the north side.)
> Meetings can take place where and when people want to have them.  If a
> south or north or east-by-southeast/Florence meeting crops up, go for it.
> There is the problem of balance: Doing enough meetings to have at least
> one convenient to those that want to attend but not having so many that
> attendance at any given meeting is down to 3 people.  But we can work all
> that out as long as we keep talking.
> > Somebody once did a map that showed the population density of PLUGers a
> > little while back. Maybe that can be a good start to go with when
> picking
> > it all out. But hey, that's my two cents. I don't want to cause
> disruption
> > because I can't contribute much time to the issue.
> The user map is at:
> http://plug.phoenix.az.us/index.php?option=com_wrapper&Itemid=36
> (Kevin did that and would probably complain that he wants to update it and
> I have not provided the proper permissions for him to do so.  I'll have to
> get on that.)

Any location near the 101 would get my vote, for N or W.
I live in the NW part of town, so [a place near] just about
any part of the 101, would be convenient for me.
Also, when they (we) update that "map", I would
like to contribute / participate - I know of some 'users'
(including myself) who are probably not
represented on the current "version" of it.
Mike Schwartz
Glendale  AZ