If you're running your own server I'd reccomend FoFRedux. This is a fork of FeedOnFeeds. We are currently in the process of working on the next release. Personally I have not found a client rss reader I like. FoFRedux is much more flexible than a client-only reader. The one drawback is, you need a server to use it. Project page is here: http://fofredux.sourceforge.net/ On 10/4/06, Eric Shubes <plug@shubes.net> wrote: > > I see in this month's TUX Magazine a write up on Akregator, a KDE RSS > reader. I'd like to try out an RSS reader, and was wondering what people > here use and would recommend. > > I'm running FC5, and see that blam and rssowl are available. > > Thoughts? >