Phil Waclawski asked me to post the following since there has been some confusion about where the courses are held. -- dennisk Hi, could you please either point them to the article I put on the news articles on or add this information to the post on the discussion group (hopefully I'll join soon myself). The sections that I teach at Southern and Dobson Campus are Linux OS: CIS126DL MW 1:00-2:50pm Section 3410 Room BA1W CIS126DL MW 5:20-7:00pm Section 7978 Room BA1W Internet Server- Linux CIS226AL W 7:10-9:50pm Section 8087 Room BA1W (note, these are the sections that I personally teach at our southern and dobson campus, we also offer sections over at our Business and Industry Institute). I also teach CIS166AE Webscripting with PHP/MySQL T Th 5:20-7:00pm Room BA1W Section 8016 BPC/CIS120DF Beginning Photoshop MW 3:00-4:45pm Room BA4W Section 2830/3409 respectively CIS133DA *INTERNET/WEB DEVELOPMENT LEVEL I M 7:10-9:50pm Room BA1W Section 7988 If you could post this information to that list, it would really help. I've had a lot of folks get confused when they go to look for it at the MCC websites. Thanks for doing this, it really helps, Phil Waclawski