Also pus-map-powered-by-google-maps/ Park in structure one and come in to barrow a cart. The total distance can not be more then a few hundred meters or so from the structure, at most. ________________________________ From: [] On Behalf Of Bryan O'Neal Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2007 1:55 PM To: Main PLUG discussion list Subject: Where is ASU Installfest? Was: Cancel September 29? Google Map to Parking Structure 1 (PS-1),-1 11.933802&mrsp=1&sz=18&mra=mi&sll=33.41694,-111.933786&sspn=0.00313,0.00 5021&ie=UTF8&ll=33.468108,-112.015228&spn=0.800758,1.2854&t=h&z=10&om=1 ASU Map so you can go from the structure to the event in the Memorial Union ________________________________ From: [] On Behalf Of Dazed_75 Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2007 11:25 PM To:; Main PLUG discussion list Subject: Re: Cancel September 29? 2. ASU is big, has more parking and more entrances into the campus, and more room for people. I was planning on promoting the 29th Installfest a bit at my current job (tech support for Dell), but if there's going to be an Installfest at ASU, that makes it easier to advertise, everyone knows where ASU is located. Really? I have no clue where ASU is other than somewhere in Phoenix or Tempe. I know I could find out if I ever have a reason to but I suspect there are a lot of people like me who do not know. Sort of like all the advertising about the Arizona State Fair NEVER says where it is.