Do you have a .vimrc set up at all? I would recommend hanging out in #vim on freenode so you can learn a lot of cool things. autoindent and smartindent are generally not recommended in the vim channel to use. Latex-suite is a cool edition to GVim but will work in Vi/m. -- GPG signed 11FD 290A FAAE 07A7 9876 37AC D14F 11D6 0831 0392 I am a PC, I run GNU/Linux, I dont worry about viruses, spyware, malware and adware; I am not tied down my licensing, I am free to install an un holy amount of applications at no charge, I am free to update my OS if I choose, I am free to NOT update my OS if I choose... you get the point.... Encryption of data and emails is encouraged and welcomed with GnuPG.