MySQL using 99% of CPU running a massive query doesn't sound unusual. If that's killing your production app, look into setting up a replication slave, and point your reporting queries at the slave. It's not too hard to set up. On Jul 8, 2009, at 2:21 PM, keith smith wrote: > > 1) What could cause the MySql server to start using so much CPU? > After a restart we ran the report again and the CPU usage was much > less. The report still timed out. Have you tried EXPLAIN on your query? That will help you spot where it could be optimized. > > 3) The report we were running gave no indication of timing out. I'm > wondering how the following PHP.ini directives come into play: > > - max_execution_time = 30 : In seconds. Why would the script appear > to keep working? That only limits PHP's execution time. Time spent waiting for external resources (like mysql) don't count against that limit. > > - max_input_time = 60 : Same question as above. I think that's the time you'll allow PHP to accept input from the user. Usually only comes into play with large file uploads, I think. (Hazier on this one, though...)