Adding BackTrack Repositories to Ubuntu GNOME: Goto System > Administration > Software Sources Click on the Third-Party Software tab and then on Add Insert this line and hit Add Source: Code: deb binary/ You may need to check the box next to the newly added repository; you will have to Reload your Package Information by hitting Reload when a box comes up whining that your software info is out-of-date. Goto ADD TERM: Add this line to the end of /etc/apt/sources.list Code: deb binary/ Then run 'sudo apt-get update' to update your systems repository. Goto ADD ADD: You may now apt-get any backtrack package as you would any ubuntu package. Issues I have had are that a key is missing for accessing packages, but the key can be added manually. I'm not sure if this actually causes any package problems other than a message each time you reload your repo's. Key Error: Code: W: GPG error: binary/ Release: The following signiture couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 720DB78AC5717CD1 Should work fine on a persistent Ubuntu jumpdrive, as added tools. Be sure to change your ubuntu and root passwords on your LiveCD and persistent USB keys! -- (623)239-3392 Skype: obn0sis (503)754-4452