On Aug 31, 2009, at 10:46 AM, James Finstrom wrote: > I saw a deal on one of real tv's video shows where these kids took > over a university cafiteria for 2 days to protest something and as > soon as the threat of arrest came they all split. Unfortunately > although college kids are often excitable sheep who act on mob > mentalities and do whatever is popular, they have no conviction so > they will only stand up until it is inconvenient to do so. Remember > this coming generation grew up in a word where: > > -Everything is FAIR > -Teachers shouldn't use red pens because it is hard on the childs ego > -Some schools don't give an "F" because calling kids a failure is > not nice > -Youth sports should not keep score because every one should be a > winner > -Everyone gets a trophy not just the winners.. > > So you want to depend on these kids to fight for something when they > were coddled and have never understood competition... > > Yay > > James PLEASE use the OT subject for these kinds of things. This has nothing to do with anything remotely computing-related.