Hi all,   I have been running fedora 6 for almost three years now, with only minor problems. I am using the C shell, a bad habit from my Unix days back in the '80s and '90s. A few days ago, I noticed that I could not use aliases set in my personal .cshrc. It was easy to trace the problem to .cshrc not being executed at start up (to save energy i. e. money, I switch off the box when I do not need it). I have gone through init and, I think, all scripts that are executed at start up, I have not been able to find a place where my personal .cshrc is invoked or could be invoked. Reading /var/log/messages revealed nothing relevant. I have also noticed that my vi editor is behaving strangely. It was August 2008 when I connected the box to the Internet for the last time, using an external modem.     Any help, please!!??     Thank you!!