To expand thier mass apieral they have, for your convenyance, assocaited everything in your profile (aka the music you like, places you worked, schools you attended, etc) withthose orginizations "fan" pages. Accepting (leveeing the link cheked) allowes you to see posts from those fan pages and gives then permision to basicly spam you (though few do) - Uncheking them means you would have to search for the fan page and "like" it inorder to be spamed by them. Some pages put out a half dozen posts a day, other one a week, or less. Personlay I went ahead and allowed the link and then "unlike" the orginizations that feal it nesasery to tellme every dam thing the group is doing in real time. For I may like listening to your music but it does not mean I care what you had for lunch! But I do like getting the various youtube posts from Louise Black in my feed so there you go. The whole "You must pay attention to me" thing is because it is just a web page that illusion of a window is just that an allusion - it is not like they have a fully multithreaded aplication sitting on your desktop. In addtion they really want you to "like" them all beacuse it increase overall page subscriber ship which increase revenue for FB. On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 4:09 PM, wrote: > > I don't use facebook much ... mainly only to respond to friends and family > who send stuff to me. It just seems rather intrusive and confusing to me. > > Recently, facebook has been popping up a window that wants me to confirm > some links that it "threatens" to put on my facebook page and "forces" me > to either confirm them all or click on a link with check boxes for various > things that I am told I have to uncheck if I don't want those links > included on my page. Everything on my page is grayed out and I am forced > to respond to facebook's demands in one way or another. Below is the > message I see in their popped up window that locks up everything else: > > "Confirm the Pages that will be on your profile > Uncheck any Page you don't want to link to. Linking to education and work > Pages may also create additional Pages, such as for your major or job > title. If you don't link to any Pages, these sections on your profile will > be empty. By linking your profile to Pages, you will be making these > connections public. Learn more." > > I can't even close and exit the facebook page. > > So, at the command line, I type "xkill" and blow away my current Firefox > login. But even then, if I restart Firefox too soon, it restarts facebook > with the same "do it facebook's way or else" pop-up. So, I use "xkill" > again and then I have to wait for a while before I can restart Firefox. > > What's up with this kind of "I WILL control you and your every action and > you can't do anything about it" garbage? > > > > --------------------------------------------------- > PLUG-discuss mailing list - > To subscribe, unsubscribe, or to change your mail settings: > >