Hi Plug, Several years ago I transferred a couple of my domains to 1and1.com to try their service.  Up to that point I was only familiar with Godaddy and their affiliate Wild West Domains -  DomainsPricedRight.com. So as the renewal of these domains came I let them expire because I thought that was how things worked universally.  At Godaddy if you do not want to retain a domain, just let it expire.  Not so with 1and1.com.  I received 2 collection letters last fall stating I owed 1and1.com the renewal fee and a processing fee.  Yikes!!  I called 1and1.com and they said it was in the TOS.  Normally I would have contested because I think what they are doing is fraudulent in nature.  I was in the process of buying a house and did not need a negative entry on my credit report and did not have the time to fight with these guys. I just canceled both domains and my account with 1and1.com and am sending this as a warning about how they do business. ------------------------ Keith Smith