Folks, This is both geek and election related. I need to know if anybody has encountered a WiFi router that automatically creates an SSID consisting of "myqwest" followed with no spaces by four numbers - seems to be standard "base 10" vs. hex or whatever. I need to know if the numeric portion of the SSID was auto-generated, and if so if the SSID changes on each boot - for example, a single device will be "myqwest4529" and then later automagically change to "myqwest2450" or whatever. OR, would those last four digits be locked to a given WiFi router? Put another way: if I see an SSID of "myqwest1234" one day and "myqwest4321" the next, is it likely, plausible or possible that it's the same device both days? What is the significance of those last four digits? Does a human put them in there? Are they locked into that pattern? Importance is...extreme. Cannot go into details yet. Affects the most recent election in Maricopa County. Jim