This past month has seen a number of additions to our free Metasploit Unleashedtraining course, primarily in our on-going effort to build out the Metasploit Module Referencesection. The Metasploit team has been developing at a rapid pace with new features and modules being frequently added. We are also continuing to go through the course content itself and verify the functionality of the provided material. Updates - Updated the Event Log ManagementSection - Updated the Interacting with the RegistrySection - Updated the Persistent Netcat BackdoorSection - Updated the Enabling Remote DesktopSection Module Reference Additions - http/dir_webdav_unicode_bypass - http/enum_delicious - http/enum_wayback - http/files_dir - http/open_proxy - http/options - http/robots_txt - http/ssl - http/http_version - snmp/snmp_login - snmp/snmp_enum - snmp/snmp_enumshares - snmp/snmp_enumusers - vnc/vnc_login - vnc/vnc_none_auth -- (503) 754-4452 (623) 688-3392