In the early 64-bit chips 64-bit mode was slower because the pointers and instructions are twice as large, so cache and memory bandwidth were overstressed. This is compensated for by the fact that 64-bit more has many more registers and other enhancements; but early 64-bit versions of software did not take advantage of these. Current kernels actually run faster, in most cases, when compiled 64-bit on 64-bit hardware, simply because of the optimizations in place to use all the extra hardware available in 64-bit mode. For iptables filter/mark you shouldn't notice much difference, if any; that path is pretty well optimized in all recent kernels so it runs fast regardless. You will use slightly more RAM in 64-bit mode, so if you're pushing the limits of RAM stick with 32-bit. If you have some headroom (e.g. you never hit swap and there's always at least 10% free RAM), then 64-bit should be fine. Also, the "32-bits isn't tested" is old advice; 64-bit testing is required for recent kernels and applications, because almost all servers run pure 64-bit at this point (even Windows servers run only 64-bit mode). On 07/22/2012 07:35 AM, wrote: > Thanks Lisa, just to clarify: > I am compiling EVERYTHING from the kernel up, either 32 or 64, so the '64-in-32-userland' issue does not apply. > This box will have everything freshly compiled from source from day one. > It will be a 'pure' 64 (or 32) box. > Now, from distant times I remember that 16 bit processors were generally faster than 8 bit, 32 were faster than 16, how come the 64 bit processor is slower than the 32? > In a 'pure 64' environment does that still apply? > I can understand that iptables has not been thoroughly tested in a 'pure 64' environment, but why would it run slower? > Inquiring minds would like to know... > ET > > > Lisa Kachold writes: >> Hi! >> Great question: >> On Sun, Jul 22, 2012 at 4:04 AM, < >>> wrote: >>> Hello World: >>> I run my firewall on a LFS box. >> >> You might also consider a hardened kernel with: >> >> >>> Everything on it is compiled from source. >>> No bells and whistles, only the essential software is installed. >>> The hardware is 64 bits but I've been running 32 bit OS. >> >> 32-bit iptables doesn't work on a machine running amd64 kernel, when run >> it reports: >> === >> # iptables -L >> iptables v1.2.11: can't initialize iptables table `filter': Module is >> wrong version Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded >> iptables has to be 64bit to talk to a 64bit kernel due to an alignment >> issue in the kernel structures for iptables. So you do need at least >> the 64bit iptables binary and associated libs. >> >> This time around I am wondering... >>> The question is: >>> Is there any advantage to compiling the whole iptables enchilada in 64 >>> bits? >> >> >> - 32 bit is faster than 64 bit >> - 32 bit is well tested, 64 bit isn't tested at all >> - 2039 is still long way off >> The only reasons to compile anything in 64bit architecture: >> - It needs to access more than 4GB of memory. In the real world this >> only applies to huge databases. >> - It needs to talk to the kernel directly. Some applications, like >> iptables, contain ugly hacks to support the 64 bit kernel/32 bit >> userland thing. >> - It is a kernel. >> For you to talk with your 64bit kernel, you need 64bit iptables! >> >>> Should it be avoided? >>> Please note that the 'normal' rules like 'more than 4GB and/or >>> 32-bit-adobe' do not apply here, what I am looking for is whether >>> filtering/marking will be faster/slower and (if known) why. >>> Any ideas? >>> Tnx >>> ET >> >> -- >> (503) 754-4452 Android >> (623) 239-3392 Skype >> (623) 688-3392 Google Voice >> ** >> >> Automation Engineer > --------------------------------------------------- > PLUG-discuss mailing list - > To subscribe, unsubscribe, or to change your mail settings: > >